Describe a lecture in a voice note

Practice this key skill by explaining a lecture slide to a friend

Summarize a lecture slide in a voice note to consolidate your understanding and practice explaining concepts clearly.


Albert Einstein is quoted as saying:

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”

And it’s true that explaining a concept to someone else is a great way to consolidate your understanding of it.

In this task, we practice explaining a concept from a lecture to a friend, as if you were leaving them a voice note.


  1. Choose ONE of the slides from below (both are from Peter Jones’ lecture on Selective Attention).

  2. Go to the lecture and listen carefully

  3. Without any of the other slides in front of you, imagine explaining it to a friend in a WhatsApp-style voice-note (see how to record below).

Slides to explain

Choose one of the following slides.

Slide 1: Late selection model

Slide 2: Attentive search

(The full lecture powerpoint is here, if you want to see any of the other slides.)

Recording your work

Record your “voice note” using

  • the “Voice Memos” app on iPhone, or
  • the “Voice Recorder” app on Android

Don’t use WhatsApp because it’s harder to upload later.

Upload your recording here

When you add your practice, upload an audio file of your voice note. PsyBot will listen to the audio and give you feedback.

Extension activities

  • Try practicing the task more than once (e.g. try the other slide)

  • Try this in real life, rather than a voice note. Does it make a difference if you explain it to someone who knows the topic in general (e.g. another student), vs. someone who has never studied psychology?

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