Karol Nedza

Psychology of motivation and behaviour change

Have you ever found yourself wondering why your motivation can fluctuate, leaving you sometimes eager to take on challenges while other times feeling unmotivated and unenthusiastic? This module will take you from ancient Roman reflections to most recent research as we analyse what motivates us and explore the various ways to enhance our drive.

This module is designed for the undergraduate students who have a keen interest in applied psychology for their personal growth and for supporting others in diverse fields. We’ll go into the philosophy of motivation and action, unlocking the secrets behind positive psychology, sports and exercise psychology, and behaviour change. Through critical analysis of current evidence and engaging discussions, we’ll uncover the most common practical approaches, tools, and methods that psychologists from all around the world utilize to bring about meaningful change.

This option is designed to be both informative and interactive with group discussions, engaging class activities, and an exploration of theories and models.


West, R., & Michie, S. (2020). A brief introduction to the COM-B Model of behaviour and the PRIME Theory of motivation [v1]. Qeios.